Functional Programming

After reading Eric's book, I became more interested and wanted to understand functional programming at greater depth.

When you search "functional programming", you stumble upon a lot of material that explain the concept Mathematically. For a first timer it is overwhelming. Fear not, here are a list of good references that can help you get started.

Mostly Adequate Guide - Professor Frisby, I wish I had known this book sooner. But I'm glad I found it. This is a great book to understand functional programming. And the best part is, its explained with JavaScript. I cannot ask for anything more. The first 7 chapters introduces you to the fundamentals. The 8th chapter covers your every day code problems. 2 more chapters to go... The mathematical theory behind every implementation is subtly introduced.

Composition over Inheritance - Mattias Petter Johansson, a crisp, simple, easy to understand video to get you started with functional programming. I love his channel, funfunfunction. There are also other short videos on functional programming (map, reduce, higher order functions etc.,). Be sure to watch them all. There are short, very practical.

Functional Programming - Scott Sauyet, a step-by-step walk through of how an OO code is re-factored to FP. You will understand imperative style in a better way and would begin to appreciate functional style.

I started using the Ramda and was able to better refactor my code from OO to FP.

Functional Programming Design Patterns - Scott Wlaschin, a comprehensive overview of patterns used in functional programming. Though the illustrations are in F#, you can take away a lot of good principles and apply them in JavaScript. Its packed, so you may want to pause and replay a few slides multiple times to better understand the concepts. I'm keeping Monads for another separate section.

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